Contribute Online - Two Step Process
Thank you for contributing to the campaign. Your donation will enable the campaign to contact more voters in the coming months.
1) Complete the form below to provide the required campaign finance reporting information.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
2) After you press submit, click the PayPal donation button on the confirmation page. You will be forwarded to our PayPal page where you can make a secure credit card donation.
Call 972-247-7354 if you are having trouble completing the transaction.
Click here to go to Sally Montgomery's mail-in contribution reply form. To print the form, right click then "print". Mail all contributions to:
Re-Elect Judge Sally Montgomery Campaign
13901 Midway Rd, Suite 102
Box 315
Dallas, Tx 75244
Note on contribution limits: The $5,000 per person contribution limit and the $30,000 aggregate limit on contributions from members of a law firm includes contributions by spouses and children. Contribution limits are “per election.” We are unable to accept corporate checks, but partnership and professional corporation checks are allowable under the law. Political contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Under the Judicial Campaign Finance Law, any lawyer or employee of a law firm is considered to be a “member” of that firm. Also, a contribution by the spouse or minor child of an individual is attributed to the individual for purposes of contribution limits.